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Small Businesses and The Self Employed “Solopreneurs” (A solopreneur is both the owner and the workforce of their business) have limited options to find potential takeover candidates and or buyers for their life’s work. Whether it is due to retirement, health or family reasons or just simply a desire to change careers, SBEN’s mission is to help match you with suitable candidates to take over your established business. According research, 50% of working people in the US would like to be their own boss and work for themselves. SBEN firmly believes, there is someone out there that will make a perfect fit to take over your business.

Why list with SBEN?

  1. The current odds of selling small businesses are against you. Statistics show, only about 20% of businesses that list for sale, actually end up selling. That is if you can list with a business broker that is willing to put in the effort vs some other business that may be worth more commission. Let’s create new statistics together with SBEN.
  2. Currently, majority of all small business selling and buying occurs through a business broker. Before you can convince a buyer, you have to find and convince a business broker to help you sell your business. The broker will decide how much your business is worth and if it is worth his/her time. The cost of this option starts by paying the broker a marketing fee to start and then a decent size commission, if they choose to list your business.
    • Brokers listing activities include a hand full of websites that list businesses for sale and all inquiries from these websites are managed by the brokers.
    • Secondly, business brokers will contact all their previous inquiries via email and texts, letting them know about your business. (Please note, SBEN believes business brokers play an important role in selling businesses, but this option does not serve the majority of small businesses and solopreneurs, that are owner operated)
  3. Other option is, you can list your business with a few websites, that are basically online brokers. They charge monthly fees plus a commission. You will still need to go through a time consuming listing process.

SBEN’s Annual Listing & Weekly Program Feature Highlight

No one knows your business better then you! Pretend you are selling your product or service to a potential new customer and record a quick 1–2-minute video about your business. You will answer 5 questions and we will do the rest to get your business featured on and

Most small businesses and self-employed solopreneurs don’t think about selling their business until there is an emergency or a tragic change in their life. Before you lose your life’s work and have to shut down, help someone make a living and continue your legacy! Why wait, you have options, meet potential partners and buyers, share your wisdom and help someone get started.

Additional Support & Services:

Call Center Service: If you need us to, we will answer the calls about your listings and gather all the information and pass it you at your convenience. SBEN’s goal is for you and the potential buyer to connect. Just do what you do every day, talk to potential buyers just like a potential customer. SBEN believes in you, the small business owner. Make a deal that is truly “Win Win” for both parties.

Attorney prepared business purchase agreement: (if you need it) We will help prepare an attorney prepared purchase agreement, once you and the buyer agree on the terms.

Escrow Service: Help facilitate the transfer of assets. You dictate, we facilitate.

Our mission is to match existing small businesses and the self-employed, find suitable buyers and takeover candidates while serving the wishes of over 50% of Americans that want the freedom to work for themselves and be their own boss! Sell Your Business Online with SBEN.

Are you self-employed or a small business with a few full or part-time employees? Want to Sell Your Business Online?

According to recent data, there are nearly 33 million small businesses in the US. And 80% of them, yes 80 percent, which amounts to nearly 27 million, are operated by the owner with NO employees! This represents over 60 million of us or approximately 45% of the entire US workforce! Majority of these are owned by Baby Boomers, who were born between 1946 and 1964 and Generation Xs, born between 1965 and 1980. The enormous challenge we face is that nearly 80% of these owners operated small businesses will not transfer or sell small businesses, leading to a tremendous loss of economic value transfer. Let us introduce you to SBEN or The Small Business Exchange Network - a structured approach to the small business buy and sell market!

No one knows your business better than you! If you're thinking, "How can I sell my business online?" then you're in the right place. Pretend you are selling your product or service to a potential new customer and record a quick 1–2-minute video about your business. You will answer 5 questions and we will do the rest to get your business featured on and that makes easier for you to Sell Your Business Online.

It is estimated that about 5 million small businesses, which hold over 10 trillion in assets and value, will and should change hands in the coming decade. Did you know, only 20-30% of small businesses that list for sale actually sell. This does not take into account the majority of small businesses that never consider selling, until there is a catastrophic emergency for the owner/operator. We at SBEN, aim to make this easier and simpler by providing small business owners a broadcast platform to highlight their businesses 24-7 on a network solely focused on Buy and Sell Business opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that when you decide to Sell Your Business Online, you have the best resources and visibility. With SBEN, small business owners can seamlessly Buy and Sell Business assets, reaching a wide audience of potential buyers. We understand the challenges you face when you decide to Sell Your Business Online, and our platform is designed to make this process as smooth as possible.

SBEN is a 24-7 online, streaming broadcast network that solely focuses on highlighting and promoting small businesses that are seeking partners and or buyers to take over their existing business. SBEN provides small businesses a self-serve, easy to list and more importantly a cost effective annual listing plan to promote and seek potential partners and buyers for their business. The current, business broker listing for sale option does not fit the majority of small businesses that are owner operated. And the same applies for the online brokerage websites that list businesses for sale. SBEN revolutionizes the way you buy and sell business online by offering a user-friendly and affordable platform. By using SBEN, small business owners can easily list their businesses, reaching a wider audience of potential partners and buyers. Whether you are looking to buy and sell business online or seeking new business opportunities for sale, SBEN provides the visibility and resources you need.

SBEN aims to be the go-to Network for a small business exchange marketplace to find business opportunities for sale. Think of SBEN as the “QVC” or the Business Shopping Network! Recent data from the small business administration reveals that there are 33 million small businesses in the U.S. Contrast that to about 6000 publicly traded companies that garner all the business media attention. Small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. Approximately 80% of all small businesses list for sale will never sell. Furthermore, only 20% of small businesses have any employees, which means, that these businesses are difficult to sell, in the current business broker led sales model. Explore Business Opportunities For Sale and take the next step towards financial independence and success. With SBEN, your path to entrepreneurship is just a decision away.

Welcome to SBEN, The Small Business Exchange Network to Buy and Sell Small Businesses dedicated to revolutionizing how small businesses are bought, sold and transferred. Our mission is simple yet profound: To Match existing small businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs with suitable buyers and takeover candidates, while serving the aspirations of individuals, who desire the freedom to work for themselves and be their own boss.

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