SBEN’s mission is simple... Match & Serve.
Our mission is to match existing small businesses and the self-employed, find suitable buyers and takeover candidates, while serving the wishes of over 50% of Americans that want the freedom to work for themselves and be their own boss!
Did you know less than 20%of small businesses that list for sale actually sell. This does not take into account the majority of small businesses that never consider selling, until there is catastrophic emergency for the owner/operator. We at SBEN, aim to make this easier by providing small business owners a broadcast platform to highlight their businesses 24-7 on a network solely focused on buy and sell business online and business for sale by solo operators.

SBEN is a 24-7 online, streaming broadcast network that solely focuses on highlighting and promoting small businesses that are seeking partners and or buyers to take over their existing business.
Have you ever searched for terms like, sell my business or buy and sell business online. SBEN’s purpose is just that, but with transparency and integrity.
SBEN provides small businesses a self-serve, easy to list and more importantly a cost effective annual listing plan to promote and seek potential partners and buyers for their business. In addition to helping solo business owners an outlet to highlight and feature this business takeover opportunity, SBEN will partner with business brokers to provide an additional outlet to feature and list businesses that they believe is not a good fit for a traditional sale and financing scenario.
In summary, SBEN will help solo business feature their businesses to match with potential takeover candidates, partner with business brokers with and additional outlet to feature businesses that would otherwise not sell or get funding and last collaborate with micro lenders and professionals that can further facilitate the transfer and transition of these nearly 27 million owner operated small businesses!
SBEN aims to be the go-to Network for a small business exchange marketplace. Think of SBEN as the “QVC” or the Business Shopping Network! Recent data from the small business administration reveals that there are 33 million small businesses in the U.S. Contrast that to about 6000 publicly traded companies that garner all the business media attention. Small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. Approximately 80% of all small businesses opportunities for sale will never sell. Furthermore, only 20% of small businesses have any employees, which means, that these businesses solo ventures and are difficult to sell since majority of the business value in linked with the owner operator.
Half of all working Americans would like to buy a business, takeover a business and be their own boss, but the lack of financial resources keeps this dream unattainable. SBEN will and can help!

About SBEN
Welcome to SBEN, The Small Business Exchange Network, dedicated to revolutionizing how small businesses are bought, sold and transferred. Our mission is simple yet profound: To Match existing small businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs with suitable buyers and takeover candidates, while Serving the aspirations of individuals, who desire the freedom to work for themselves and be their own boss.